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    Embracing Asteya: Non Binary Thinking and The Path to Inner Balance

    In our modern world, many of us are conditioned to think in binary terms: black and white, yes or no, […]

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    Speaking Generational Truth “Satya” in Therapy: Fear, Identity, and The Nature of Reality

    When addressing generational truths, I often engage in one on one therapy sessions. A fundamental concept in this exploration is […]

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    Consciousness to Effect Healthy Behavioral Change: Ahimsa to Manage Fear

    Therapy is an evolution from focus on cognitive brain functions in cognitive behavioral therapy CBT > mindfulness MCBT > Dialectical […]

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    Where Does The Conscious Mind Come From? (Explore The Next Evolution of Human Potential)

    The conscious mind is the seat of awareness, choice, and deliberate thought, a unique trait that sets humans apart in […]

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    What is Conscious Integrated Therapy (CIT) and How It Works?

    ConsciousIntegratedTherapy (CIT) is a holistic integrative psychotherapy approach to improve conscious and reduce unconscioussness for improved mental health. This can […]

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    Exploring the Depths of Existence: Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and Human Connection

    What do Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and Human Connection have in common? In the quest to understand the nature of existence, […]

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    Exploring the Depths of Existence and The Mystery of Knowing: “How do we know?”

    How do we know? This fundamental question drives human curiosity and exploration. In the realm of quantum physics, we ponder […]

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    TrancePlan Hypnotherapy: How to Create Your Desired Future

    Susan Razavi, LCSWR, is a dedicated hypnotherapist and psychotherapist whose holistic approach to mental health is transforming lives. With over […]

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