Why Do You Get Up In The Morning ?


We all have an alarm clock that makes us wake up every morning. I am not talking about your I-phone or your actual alarm clock that you probably snooze it all the time. I am talking about the alarm clock that you cannot snooze, that is pulling you out of your bed in the morning and sometimes that is not letting you fall asleep at night. The alarm clock that is ringing deep in your soul. Your dreams.

You don’t get up from bed because you will be late at school or you need to go to work, you get up because if you don’t study and earn money you won’t be able to achieve your goals. There is far more important reason than being late. Making Your Dreams Reality.

The dreams are the alarm clock that is making you get up every day and try to make them a reality, 16 hours every day. We all have the same time every day, 16 hours without the 8 that we are dreaming. 16 hours to get one step closer to our dreams.

What are your dreams? Why do you get up in the morning? You need to answer these questions. Aim your direction and start walking. It is much easier when you know where you are going and believe me if you want, if you really want from the Depths of Your Soul, you can get anywhere. You need to know where to drive so you can feel the will to get there. That is The Fuel That Will Drive You to achieve success. Write your goals, tattoo them if you want but make them visible to you, and make them a reminder why you need to get up in the morning. We usually skip school or work because we don’t even know why the hell we go there in the first place. We don’t know what direction we are going or we don’t like the direction that someone else has made us go to.

You need to set your direction and When You Get Up in The Morning, don’t get up for work, get up for that beach house or that fast Lambo you want. Get up for a better life and success. Get up for your dreams because in order to make your dreams reality, you need to be awake.

Heart PointsTHE CODE

<If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there>
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